Does Spring Have You Turning Your Sights Outdoors?

Spring landscaping

We can all agree that Mother Nature has been playing a few tricks on us these last few weeks, getting us excited with the possibility of warm and sunny days followed by forecasts of April snow.  But no matter how changeable the weather may be this time of year, there’s no doubt that the arrival spring has many people turning their thoughts to spending more time outdoors.

If you are thinking of getting a few projects done around the house this spring, now is the perfect time to get the planning started.  Whether you are looking to create a new flower garden or you are ambitious and want to tackle the installation of a bigger and better backyard patio, the key to a successful project is a well thought-out plan.

For starters, you’ll have to get an idea of the scope of your project and also come up with a budget.  A budget created this early in the game will keep you focused on making rational decisions that won’t leave you in debt or with an empty wallet.  It’s better to know up front how much you’re willing to shell out for some updated landscaping or a new hardscaping project, rather than coming up with the design of your dreams and then wondering how you’re going to pay for it all.

Once you’ve tackled the “big stuff”, it’s time to start making your materials list so you make sure you have everything you need on hand when you’re ready to get to work.  For example, if you are building a new planting bed, you may need to start with some regular dirt to build up the bed from the ground, as well as enough topsoil to create a rich nutrient-dense upper layer so your plants will thrive.  You’ll also want to consider other materials you may need, like edging, fertilizer and plants.  Depending on the scope of your project, it may be a good idea to also look into bulk delivery of materials so you don’t have to be lugging it all from the store.

Of course, not only do you have to make sure you have the proper materials on hand to get your spring project started, but you also have to make sure you have the proper tools and/or equipment.  Getting back to our planting bed project, you’ll need things like shovels, trowels, levels and rakes to handle the digging, spreading and leveling of all materials.

Working outdoors is a great way to take advantage of the beautiful weather during the spring season.  The projects you complete during this time can also then be enjoyed throughout the summer as the temps start to soar and all you really want to do is grab a cold lemonade or beer and sit outside in the shade.  So start planning now, gather your materials, tools and equipment, and you’ll be ready to tackle your outdoor spring projects as soon as Mother Nature starts cooperating a little.

If you need bulk delivery of dirt, topsoil or other construction materials in NJ or Staten Island, contact ATAK Trucking at 917-912-2900.


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