What Fill Dirt Can Be Used For

What is fill dirt? Fill dirt is comprised of soil that sits below the nutrient-rich top layer of dirt and may also be referred to as subsoil. This type of dirt has virtually no organic matter in it but may include things like rocks, stones or sand. The dirt can be purchased either screened or unscreened, with screened dirt allowing for the removal of large particles of matter that may be naturally incorporated into the mix.
Since this dirt has little to no organic matter within it, it is best used, as the name implies, for filling any area of the ground that requires building up, rather than using it for areas where landscaping or planting will occur. Its use as a filler material is enhanced by the lack of organic matter within the dirt, since this matter would otherwise decompose and could create pockets of space that would cause settling or potential damage to structures built over the fill. Therefore, fill dirt or subsoil is always used rather than topsoil in locations that require an area to be filled or the ground level to be raised, especially when subsequent construction over the area will occur.
Just about any project that requires dirt in order to fill in a hole or cavity or to raise or level the ground is a good candidate for fill dirt. Some of the most common projects that this material is used for include filling holes, leveling off embankments and raising areas in the ground. The dirt can be used for construction and/or landscaping projects both large and small.
Large construction projects may require the use of this type of dirt in bulk for raising ground levels prior to building, filling cavities or dips in the ground that may cause flooding concerns, or preparing the ground for large paving projects, such as roadways, sidewalks or even airport runways so that the ground is level under the paving material. One common use, for example, is to build up the area on the side of paved roads or highways to create a shoulder that is level with the driving surface.
Smaller projects may include anything from preparing a backyard for a landscaping project, such as raised planting beds, upon which the final layer will be covered with a layer of more nutrient-rich soil to aid in proper growing, to leveling off land around pools and patios, building up the ground around foundations to prevent water drainage issues, or securing the ground around retaining walls.
For the most part, dirt fill is removed when land is being excavated from a construction project. In some cases, the dirt may simply be moved from where it is not needed on a construction site to another area of the site where it can be used. Many construction and landscaping projects, however, require delivery of fill dirt to a particular site, with most dirt of this nature being required in bulk.
For more information about the uses for fill dirt or to schedule a delivery of bulk fill dirt in NJ or Staten Island, contact ATAK Trucking at 917-912-2900.