Choosing the Right Sand for Your Construction Project

Starting a new construction project can seem like a daunting task, but working with a construction professional will make your project a lot easier. Many large and small construction projects require the use of sand or fill to complete the project, and choosing the product that is best for your application is a key component for a successful finished product.
First, you or your contractor will need to determine the appropriate classification of material that needs to be used, depending on the requirements that will have to be addressed. There are three general classifications to consider: Fine, Medium and Course. Lining a pool will require the use of a finer product, while constructing drainage areas will require a more course classification, for example.
Next you will need to determine if there are certain properties of the matter that will be beneficial or are to be avoided. Different types of sand have different physical and chemical compositions. For example, some options have been cleaned and sifted while others will contain salt, like would be found on the beach. The type of project the material is being used for will dictate the composition of the material that is most appropriate for the job.
You will then need to determine just how much material you require to complete the project. If you need help with this step, you can easily get an estimate of how many cubic yards you will need for your desired coverage area by using our Sand Calculator.
Here are some options to consider for your next project:
Concrete Sand – (Course) – This has multiple uses, including a common use as a main element in mixing cement.
Mason Sand – (Fine) – This is similar to the concrete variety but is finer. For this reason, it gives a more finished look when used in cement. The white variety may be a bit more costly but will provide a brighter appearance, or it can be used to mix with concrete and mortar to create a white mortar line. It is also commonly used for laying a final base under paving stones.
Fill Sand – (Fine) – This is most commonly used to fill large holes and to level or build up an area of property. It is also often used to backfill utility pipes.
Utility Sand – (Fine) – This is also referred to as pipe sand because of its common use by commercial and residential construction crews to backfill water pipes after they have been laid. This material can be used for many jobs, such as fill beneath concrete driveways, trench fill and backfill behind retaining walls.
Beach Sand – (Fine) – This is most commonly used to create faux beaches, volleyball courts, playgrounds, sandboxes and patios. It is NOT commonly used in the construction of concrete structures due to its salt content which tends to absorb moisture and create dampness.
Septic Sand – Although there are additional uses for this material, it is most commonly used, as the name implies, as fill around septic tanks to create an effective leaching field that won’t hold moisture.
For more information about choosing the right sand for your project, contact ATAK Trucking, serving NJ and Staten Island, at 917-912-2900.