Pea Gravel vs. River Gravel
If you are trying to determine what type of gravel to use for your next landscaping or outdoor project, you may be wondering whether you should opt for pea gravel or river gravel, or if there is even any difference at all between the two. In fact, there are more similarities than differences in what…
Read MoreInteresting Facts About Topsoil
While you may not lay awake at night thinking about how much you know about topsoil, you may find some of our facts about this critical natural element rather interesting, as well as eye-opening. Here is some info to fill your head with all things related to the top layer of our planet… Interesting Facts:…
Read MoreSand Is Not Just For Beach Fun
It’s hard to imagine living in Staten Island, New Jersey or anywhere else along the shore and conjuring up images of anything but hot days in the sun and surf when the word sand comes to mind. But when it comes to this fine granular substance, a day at the beach is not the only…
Read MoreDon’t Forget The Crushed Stone For Your Outdoor Project
Whether your summer consists of landscaping or re-landscaping your property or you are embarking on an outdoor construction project, chances are pretty good that you will require crushed stone at some point in the process. This material comes in a selection of different sizes and is used in a wide variety of applications, from laying…
Read MoreHow Much Dirt Do I Need?
One of the hardest parts of planning a DIY landscaping project is trying to figure out how much dirt you need to complete your project. Proper calculation of materials will save you from having to put your project on hold while you run out to the store or wait for another delivery because you didn’t…
Read MoreWith Summer Here, Now Is The Time To Get Those Outdoor Projects Completed
The summer solstice officially falls this year on Saturday, June 21st but for many, summer begins as soon as Memorial Day has come and gone. No matter when you signal the beginning of summer, it’s clear that this is the time of year that many people get outdoors and start working on the outdoor projects…
Read MoreGo Green With Recycled Materials
Construction and landscaping projects generally require a great deal of material usage, and one sure-fire way to green up your project is with the use of recycled materials. When it comes to outdoor projects, there are a number of situations in which reusing materials works just as well as using never-been-used-before materials. If you are…
Read MoreWhat Fill Dirt Can Be Used For
What is fill dirt? Fill dirt is comprised of soil that sits below the nutrient-rich top layer of dirt and may also be referred to as subsoil. This type of dirt has virtually no organic matter in it but may include things like rocks, stones or sand. The dirt can be purchased either screened or unscreened,…
Read MoreAll Sand Is Not The Same
With temperatures beginning to moderate in NJ and NY, homeowners and property managers are turning their thoughts to the outdoor projects that have been put on the back burner during cooler winter months. From new construction to maintenance projects, many of these exterior projects may require the use of sand. But if you are looking…
Read MoreThe Versatility Of Belgian Block
Originally used as a means of paving roads, Belgian blocks have since evolved to become a highly sought-after material for driveways, curbs, pathways, walls and edgings, as well as for creating interesting landscaping elements. The gray-toned stone is primarily used today more for decorative applications that the functional purposes of its origin, with uses of…
Read MoreAs Spring Arrives, Consider The Many Uses Of Topsoil
After a long and snowy winter, spring is finally upon us – and with the arrival of spring, our thoughts turn to outdoor projects we may have put on the back burner as we shoveled and skidded throughout the past few months. If your sights are now set on those projects, topsoil is likely also…
Read MoreDetermining What Size Crushed Stone You Need For Your Project
Crushed stone is used for a wide variety of projects, from building roads to providing suitable drainage and from laying a base for pavers to enhancing the look of landscaping projects. There are so many uses for this versatile material, yet many people are unsure of what size they need when it comes to selecting…
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